Latest projects
2020 - ongoing
Lead of Pilot
MESOC is a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action designed to propose, test and validate an innovative and original approach to measuring the societal value and impacts of culture and cultural policies and practices, related to three crossover themes of the new European Agenda for Culture.
2019 - ongoing
Lead of Pilot
One crucial output of this project is a transnational strategic concept concerned with the best integration of emission free FCCPs in logistic delivery chains, including innovative technology and sustainable urban development. This project will facilitate the multiplication of emission free FCCPs, as it provides relevant and replicable information to cities.
IoRL - Internet of Radio Light
2017 - 2020
Lead of Pilot
The Internet of Radio-Light (IoRL) project developed a safer, more secure, customizable and intelligent building network that reliably delivers increased throughput (greater than 10Gbps) from access points pervasively located within buildings, whilst minimizing interference and electromagnetic field exposure and providing location accuracy of less than 10 cm.
2017 - 2020
Lead of pilot and project evaluation
PoliVisu enhances public involvement and support in urban policy making, by equipping decision makers with the skills and tools - from open (geo) data processing to advanced visualisations - to use big data for collaborative policy experimentation. As a result the city makes better sustainable policy decisions and manages operations more effectively.